Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Five Things you Probably didn't know about me...

Uno. I was adopted when I was 6 months old by the greatest parents in the world I have 2 half sisters and one half brother. Also have a sister and brother from my mom and dad.

2. When I get super excited about something I totally get nauseated I can't help it I have always been that way.

Tr es. I wrote a poem after my brother passed away and it was published in a poetry book.

4. When I was a baby I was very sick when my parents got me, I only weighed 3lbs 5oz when I was born. I had a lot of heart problems and had a heart monitor I also had SIDS. The only thing that my dad could get me to eat was melted ice cream to this day I love my ice cream melted.

Cinco. I collect the pink Victoria Secret Dogs I just love them so much and I also collect cow kitchen stuff. I know I am a dork, but I love them both so much.

5 Fabulous things I love to SNACK on.

1. Chips & Salsa I love it yummy yummy

2. Cherry Coke Zero & Diet Dr Pepper

3. Sushi mm mm San Francisco,Reno Roll, Tiger, & Godzilla are some of my faves

4. 100 calorie Packs I love them

5. Peanut butter & honey sandwich's w/ a glass of cold milk :)

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Yummmmmyyyyy Peanut Butter and Honey and Milk..MY FAVE FAVE FAVE!!!!