Sunday, June 22, 2008

Moving Again

Well I am once again moving into a new place. I am sad to go but it has to be done. I am so lazy today and still quite mad but I did manage to get some more packing done. I didn't even realize how many shoes I had until today man I have enough flip flops and tennis shoes to last a life time. I was going to go to the tanning bed but it closes soon and I just can't even manage to get up and go. I love Sundays it is by far my favorite day of the week. It is just a day of rest and use to be my favorite bbq day. The 4th of July is coming up and I love that holiday its always such a blast. Usually I have to work on Fridays and the 4th is on a Friday but I don't think I will have to work. I was so mad this morning I really wanted to sleep in and of course I woke up at 6:45am that is just insane. I finally drifted back to sleep but now I am just plain lazy girl. I was going to get up a little bit early and get some stuff done but that didn't work out. It is a beautiful day here today just a bit windy. Sometimes I wish summer would last forever I love it so much. I always seem to be in a better mood in the summertime. I got to catch up with a couple old friends this week and that was really fun. Well I better get going and start doing something.

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