Wednesday, October 22, 2008


This is now one of my favorite things I love how it warms my tummy and makes my coffee even more enjoyable. I am such a dork I am afraid that they may discontinue so I bought a ton when I went shopping. If you are in fact a coffee drinker you should give it a whirl!

P.S. I must be on a pumpkin kick my friend just brought me over a Pumpkin Pie Blizzard from DQ I most also say YUM O!!


Brittany said...

LMFAO!!!!!! I totally and went and bought a ton too for worry of them discontinuing after the holiday!!!! You are the best. Love you!

Dickey Family said...

Sounds yummy, I'll havr to try it I love my morning coffee!

Addie Gaylord said...

ok i am not crazy about pumpkin flavored food but once the holiday season rolls around my taste buds forget and I actually crave it. so funny. that stuff sounds goods and way to be smart and stock up.