Wednesday, October 8, 2008

October Reminds Us!

One of my greatest friends just found out she has breast cancer. It was a huge shock to all of us I know she will be OK. She is a very strong woman and I love her dearly. It made me realize how I need to start taking better care of myself. I never ever go to the doctor so I need to start doing that. I avoid the doctor at all costs and I think well whatever I don't know wont kill me WRONG!
Since October is Breast Cancer awareness month I just thought I would do a post about it. If your doctor wont work with you or tells you your too young push back till you get what you want done. I am going to try my hardest to get physicals and to take better care of my body while I still can.


Brittany said...

If you want go to my link about breast cancer..its called Pink and you can link to it! My thoughts and prayers are with your friend. Love you!

Dickey Family said...

Sorry to hear about your friend, but prayer is a mighty tool and I will remember her in mine!

smilingsarahbear said...

Thanks for the post. This has been on my mind too. I need to take better care of myself as well. I honestly think that's it's a problem we women have and we need to do better!