Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tag Your It!

8 Things I Am Passionate About...
1. Family
2. Friends
3. Blogging
4. Music
5. Movies
6. Love
7. Animals
8. Twilight

8 Words Or Phrases I Use Often....
1. I love you
2. I Miss You
3. Sookie Sookie
4. Well~ I say it a certain way though
5. Whatever
6. Amen Sista
7. Never Give Up
8. I am always here for you

8 Things I Want To Do Before I Die....
1. Find a man that loves me for me
2. Have babies
4. Make a difference in someones life
5. Build a House
6. Suba Dive and Swim with Dolphins
7. Learn another language
8. Buy a new car

8 Things I Have Learned From My Past...
1. Follow your heart its usually right
2. Were all human we all make mistakes
3. The Past is the past
4. Family will always be there
5. Life Happens
6. Smile its contagious
7. Just because it's bad today doesn't mean it will be tomorrow
8. Always tell the people you care about that you love them

8 Places I Would Love To Go Or See...
1. Hawaii
2. New York
3. Scotland
4. Ireland
5. Germany
6. New Zealand
7. Mass Boston
8. Figi

8 Things I Currently Need Or Want...
1. I-phone
2. Money Tree
3. A man
4. A baby
5. More family time
6. My own home
7. A new car
8. Endless supply of makeup & perfume

8 I Tag Whoever wants to do it go for it Go!

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